AI for Academic and Career Skills
Supporting better student outcomes through a comprehensive, personalized, whole-student approach.
Delivering better student outcomes through a comprehensive, personalized, whole-student approach.
Supporting better student outcomes through a comprehensive, personalized, whole-student approach.
MATCH students to any academic or workplace skill, occupation, competency, or certification.
See a visual GAP analysis of where the student is to where you would like them to be.
RECOMMEND a personalized path to help the student close any gap.
A Comprehensive Platform to meet the needs of your school.
Access a wide range of tools that align and engage students: State Test Analyzer, Digital Badges, Profile of a Graduate, CareerKit® Career Plans, Competency and Certification Tracking.
MARi is FERPA compliant, secure, with built-in integrations to SIS and 3rd Party apps and platforms.
Easy to use dashboards and tools: Intelligent Academic Pathway Planning, CareerKit® Career Planning, Digital Badges, Profile of a Graduate.
Easy to use dashboards and tools: Personalized Math Assignments based on test scores, comprehensive student Data Cabinets and Tier Sheets, Competency & Certification Tracking, Digital Badges, academics matched up to personalized CareerKit® career pathways.
Tools that make it easy to see and understand the next steps to academic and career goals: Personalized Math Assignments, CareerKit® Career Planning, Intelligent Academic Pathway Planning, Digital Badges, Competency and Certification Tracking, Profile of a Graduate.
Features from multiple platforms and services are now all in one place.
Easier to use. Easier to learn. Easier to maintain.
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