AI for Government
Workforce Skills
When getting the mission accomplished is not optional.
Delivering better student outcomes through a comprehensive, personalized, whole-student approach.
When getting the mission accomplished is not optional.
MATCH individuals and teams to any skill, occupation, competency, or certification, or job.
See a visual GAP analysis of where they are to where you need them to be.
RECOMMEND a personalized path to close any gap.
Create transparency to the skill requirements of current and future roles and jobs. Build personalized pathways to real-time proficiency.
A comprehensive platform to meet the needs of your unit, department, or agency.
The priorities of your organization are continuously changing. With MARi you can re-align and engage your workforce in real time to your new realities.
Use MARi to build and track cybersecurity competencies at all levels of your organization. Track related certifications. Build personalized skill pathways. Provide workforce visibility into the skills they need next to stay current and ready.
Is your organization Mission ready? Get real time Red, Yellow, Green visibility into the proficiency levels - at that moment - to accomplish the mission. At the individual level, unit level, organization level. No more guessing.
MARi provides you the ability to give the workforce of the future the tools they want and need. Use MARi to align these workers with clear and transparent pathways to a successful career in your organization.
Workforce alignment and engagement to the skills and outcomes that matter.
Features from multiple different platforms and services are now all in one place.
Easier to use. Easier to learn. Easier to maintain.
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